I've written on here before about some of my favourite ways to spend some 'me time', but putting them into practice is a whole other issue. Like many things as a parent, it's easier said than done, and with so many things on my virtual to-do list, looking after myself falls by the wayside. Reading through those daily parent newsletters from parenting.com and mumsnet (remind me why I signed up to those?) I'm reminded of ways I should be looking after myself, mostly by putting down my third cup of coffee and going for a walk; going for a
real walk, not one to morrisons to stock up on chocolate bars and tonic for the gin I'll be enjoying later.
I've actually been trying to diet recently, despite being a stone and a half lighter than I was before getting pregnant, I'm still not happy with my figure. But I'm also not happy when I've spent the day looking after a teething baby who's refusing to nap, with no treat to come at the end of it! Recently I've even found myself almost racing to the fridge for a cool beer as soon as Ada's snoozing away in her cot, despite never being a big drinker.

I spend so much of my time looking after the others around me that I do forget to look after myself. I wash and put away all of Kane's clothes, tidying his wardrobe as he goes, then when I come to try and find an outfit for myself it's buried in a dirty washing pile, or beneath a ridiculous mountain of clothes forming in my wardrobe. I buy Ada anything and everything she needs, to the point of excess, then when I reach in my make-up bag I've run out of several products. I work most nights from the minute she goes to bed, I forget to just take some time out for myself to just be. Remembering to take some time out for yourself is like getting a good nights sleep for me, I always wake feeling so refreshed and ready to deal with anything the day throws my way. Without it, I crumble and buckle under the pressure too often.
Starting blogging again has been a big way to rediscover my hobbies. I've blogged on different services for over ten years now, and just writing, whether it be something useful like a review, or a ramble like this, I've just loved for so long. I get a little embarrassed to admit just how much I love gardening too, but I really do. I find myself at my most calm when I'm filling pots with flowers, or even digging up the pesky grass and weeds growing between the patio stones. Even if it's just a few minutes spent alone outside, admiring it all, it just gives me a chance to slow down, breathe, and reflect, rather than building up feelings of stress. But hey, perhaps all that gardening will help to burn off all the chocolate and gin calories? I can hope!
How do you nurture yourselves?