Social media is the number one way of driving traffic to your blog; I spend my days tweeting, instagramming pictures and pinning the latest scandinavian style interior picture to my Pinterest account. Recently though, I've been a bit slack on the whole blog promotion front, so I thought I'd talk through ways I'll be trying to up my social media game. We're in time where not only do clients want you to have a good social media following, as well as blog followers, but people even get paid to tweet ads for companies, so the amount of Twitter followers you have may be more influential than you think.
I've decided to start dedicating certain times of the day to posting on my social media accounts. Of course, we don't want to have all our tweets or instagrams heading up at the same time, so there's some great scheduling tools you can use. My favourite to use is Hootsuite which is free, but there's also Buffer which can be used for various social media. But on your Facebook page you can schedule posts too, and you could even set little alarms on your phone to remind you to get pinning or tweeting! I like to do it first thing in the morning after my posts have gone live at 8am, and then schedule more tweets throughout the day.
Get involved with people! Follow others and engage with what they're saying, rather than just tweeting your own links - nobody likes a spammer! A great way to really get involved online are with the blogger chats, of which there are so many of these days. Sophie posted a great list of them here which I like to keep bookmarked so I don't miss the ones that interest me. Being friendly and adding your own thoughts and opinions to topics and conversations will get your Twitter noticed, and eventually your blog noticed too.
Twitter isn't just a place to rant about public transport, or solely publish blog links. Make sure the people who are following you on Twitter or Facebook are also following you on Instagram and Pinterest, if they'd like to, of course. A simple "Join me on Instagram!" with a selection of your latest 'grams and the link would suffice, or post individual pictures with a link back.
It has been claimed that tweets or facebook posts that include a picture are over twice as successful, in terms of reach and engagement figures, as posts with words alone. I know I find this to be true with the majority of the things I put out on social media, so making an effort to add a picture to your latest blog post link can make it stand out more. Also, rather than just selecting 'Share to Twitter' when I instagram pictures, which just shows the link to the image, I'll add it myself later with the actual picture showing and a link back.
Usually, the first thing someone looks at when going on any of your social media accounts is the picture, and bio. Make sure they're updated regularly, and make them interesting and personable. I wish I was funny enough to add a bit of wit into mine, but sadly that doesn't come naturally enough to me. Twitter has recently added in the header photo, which is a great way to promote blog images. Make sure you have your blog links and email available also, so pr's can find you if they'd like.
This is less of what you can do on social media, and more what you can do to make your blog posts more easily share-able online. I've recently added both to my blog, and it's actually quite intriguing seeing what people pin of my images to their Pinterest accounts. The button automatically creates a link so all the images track back to your blog. If people find your content interesting, the share it buttons are a great way to let them post it on their various social media accounts. If they do, make sure you follow the earlier points and thank them, or get involved in a conversation about the post with them.
How do you create a traffic flow from social media to your blog?